
Showing posts from 2019


1        Fruit and vegetables are very important for our health. They contain essential vitamins for our body. There are many ways to consume fruit and vegetables. The most common way of eating fruit is to eat ripe fruits without any addition. But if we can also make the fruit into juice, fruit soup or salad. No matter how we eat them, fruits are always delicious and healthy.  In this post, we will talk about how to make two kinds of Javanese salad.              The first salad is Rujak or Lotis, that is fruit salad. Just the same with common salad, we can use all kinds of fruits to make Rujak or Lotis, simply peel them and cut into small pieces. After preparing the fruit, it's time to prepare the sauce. Different with western salad, Javanese salad uses simple, cheap and easy to find ingredients such as brown sugar, chili, salt and terasi (condiment made from pounded and fermented shrimp) and you can also add some pea...

Madakaripura, Hidden Paradise


Khasiat Daun Pulutan

(Urena lobata Linn.) Sinonim : = Urena monopetala, Lour. = Urena scabriuscula, DC. = Urena sinuata, Linn. = Urena tomentosa, Blume. Familia : Malvaceae Uraian : Jenis tumbuhan berserat dari suku kapas-kapasan, tumbuh di daerah iklim tropik termasuk di Indonesia. Tumbuh liar di halaman, ladang, tanah kosong dan tempat-tempat yang banyak sinar matahari sampai setinggi + 1. 800 m di atas permukaan laut. Tumbuhan perdu tegak yang bercabang banyak ini mempunyai batang dan tangkai yang liat sehingga sukar dipatahkan dan seluruh tanaman ditumbuhi rambut halus, tinggi dapat mencapai 1 m. Daun tunggal, berlekuk menjari 3,5 atau 7, tumbuh berseling, panjang 3 - 8 cm, lebar 1 - 6 cm, tepi bergigi, warna daun bagian atas hijau, bagian bawah hijau muda, pangkal daun membulat, ujung runcing. Bunga berwama ungu, keluar dari ketiak daun. Buahnya bulat, penampang ± 5 mm, berambut seperti sikat, beruang 5, tiap ruangan berisi 1 biji. Nama Lokal : Pungpulutan, pungpulutan...


Manfaat Bunga Telang                 Butterfly Pea or Clitoria Ternatea or blue pea, I knew this plant from IG account @martani and fell in love with its blue color. Knowing that Martani also sell the Telang tea and its seed I decided to buy both the tea and seed. Within two days I accepted the telang packages and planted the seeds ASAP. Since I don't have any spaces around my house, I just planted in a small plastic pot. What a magic, the plant grew very fast and within 2 and a half months I saw some bright blue flower bloomed. I was grateful and can wait to see more flowers so that I can harvest them and make something with them.                 Well, FYI actually before I could harvest this Telang flower I had tried to make Telang tea with the dried Telang that I bought from Martani. When I tasted the drink, it didn't taste nor smell anything. Then I added some drops of lemon water and voila.....the b...