
Showing posts from 2016


Writing this won't change the result of the game...but at least I wanna tell everyone about this. Please be aware of this serious disease!! Cheating or deceit or CURANG in Bahasa Indonesia has destroyed everything in our life. It has offered us a false happiness, false respect, false dignity and false life. Here I will give some examples of cheating culture that has been accepted and practiced without any regret.  Starting from cheating in the exam, students are lazy to study and go to school just to get the certificate. Then cheating for money; there are many examples of this kind, such as cheating by the seller in order to get much profit, many seller will set the weight scale falsely. More recent technique used by the seller is by adding additive but dangerous things in the food or fruit, for instance meatball with borax and formalin, fruits with formalin, synthetic color and taste, Fried chicken with used oil and containing plastic, fish with formalin and synthetic colo...

A Magic Leaf Called 'Sambung Nyawa'

Today I wanna write about Sambung Nyawa leaf, a kind of herbal medicine with friendly taste even for children.This leaf always reminds me of  my dear father, since I know this leaf the first time from him. He told me that Sambung Nyawa leaf can cure many diseases. He suggested me to plant this kind of plant in case I need it. Even my dad also gave one to my parents in law.  Then, the chance to try this leaf came when my husband had stomachache, I picked 7 pieces of Sambung Nyawa leaf and ask him to chew and swallow them. And it worked!! He didn't need to go to the doctor. Sambung Nyawa leaf also cured my neighbor who had a diarrhea.  And it also worked to my son and I will tell you the detail. On Sunday morning at 1.30 p.m my 8 year old son woke me up and said " Mom, I have stomachache. I just threw up and now I think...." he couldn't finish his sentence and hurried back to the bathroom and vomit all he had in his stomach. I gave him a medicine we used to have and ...

My Haikus

27Feb16 Terlambat pulang Dipeluk awan berserak Rembulan pudar Tak hendak pulang Kilau awan memikat Surya mengejar Bulan memucat kerling surya menghujam Waktu beranjak 26Feb16 Dawn has broken Waiting for the bus Watched by my beloved Dark and rainy No bat come for food I took all ripe fruit 21 Feb 16 Sunyi memagut Hujan kucing dan anjing Menembus genting Jiwa yang lelap Hujan kucing dan anjing Menembus genting Air pancuran Kasur jadilah danau Tetap bersyukur 20 February 16 Early in the morning All we can see, hear and feel lesson in our life As the light shining Gently through the insane -cloud It may shine her heart Sun's shyly shining Horizon's wearing veil Nude woman insane Starring at the light rain Hope she covers her body Warm and healthy  May rain wash away All sins and dirt she had done Healthy body -mind Can;t do anything Just prayer that she's fine God embrace her Shiny cloud Feeling warm deep insi...

Does Name Bring Your Fate?

Recently I browse in internet to find my own name, whether it is exist or not, and surprisingly I found so many names, of course including mine. There are lots of people named Mardiningsih, which is I never imagine. Since long time ago when I was a child, I always feel that my name is rather strange. But I am quite confident because it’s similar or even taken from my Dad’s name, Mardiyanto. Beside lots Indonesian names such as Sri Mardiningsih, Endang Mardiningsih, Nining Mardiningsih, Suci Mardiningsih, etc there two interesting Mardiningsih. These two are Mardiningsih Olivia Nowak, which is an actress  and Mardiningsih Arquette, a poet and myth-maker and they aren’t Indonesian. It’s really surprising since I always believe that Mardiningsih is Indonesian names. Or do they have any relationship with Indonesian? May be their parents or grandparents or grand grandparents are Indonesian? Well, today I wanna write every things about name or given name. Our name is given by our pare...

Indonesian Vegetables

Hi, today I'll write a list of some known and rare vegetables. If you ask me why I'm doing this, it's simply because I love vegetables and I realized that so many people don't know that we have many many vegetables beside spinach, carrot, cauliflower or broccoli.  Some Well known and Rare vegetables that I know: 1.      Spinach We make spinach into sayur bening, Pecel or urab. But, don’t be surprised if you find spinach chips or spinach juice. The last one, I really don’t like it. 2.      Kangkung It is a leafy vegetable growing in water.  We usually make kangkung into oseng-oseng, Jangan asem, pecel or urab. We don’t eat this vegetable for salad. I also never know people make it into juice,  please let me know if you do. 3.      Kapri or Snow peas It is cooked into Oseng-oseng, Sambal goreng, soup etc. 4.      Greenbean or buncis Oseng buncis is one of my favorite. But we c...

My Haikus

14Feb16 PAgi yang entah Surya merayap senyap Di ujung rindu Angin mendesah Kelelawar berebut Hatiku senyap Malam merayap Rintik hujan menyapa Sunyi rasaku 13Feb16 Under the tree misssing the flock of pigeons Feeling lonely Silvery cloud In the East the sun smiles Feeling warm inside Looking at street lamps Shining through the morning bright Wasting energy Putih berarak Menyapa terik surya Mendekap rindu 10Feb16 Hujan-hujanan Riuh di atas genting Redam gemuruh Hamparan hijau Kambing menatap langit berpacu waktu 7Feb16 Pagi beranjak Mendung putih menggantung Hati merintih

Honesty is an expensive gift, don't hope it from cheap people

Bagian 3 Sore telah beranjak malam saat aku sampai di gubug kecil tempat ibu, aku dan Ratna, adikku tinggal. Ratna sedang melipat pakaian dan Ibu tengah menjahit baju seragam batikku yang robek sakunya.  “Assalammualaikum.” “Wa’alaikumsalaam…Alhamdulillah kau sudah pulang le. Ratna sudah menunggumu dari tadi.” Ibu dan Ratna tersenyum lega. “Wah, kayaknya Ratna mau kasih coklat lagi nih sama kakak,” meski aku tahu Ratna menungguku untuk membantu mengerjakan PR nya, meledeknya benar-benar menyenangkan. Tapi anehnya Ratna benar-benar punya coklat, padahal uang sakunya seminggu pun tidak akan cukup untuk beli coklat sebesar itu. “Iya kak, ntar kalau PR nya dah kelar Ratna kasih coklat deh.” Ibu dan aku berpandangan, ternyata kami sama-sama terkejut. Ehm, pas tanggal 14 Februari kemarin Ratna dikasih coklat sama Agus, Ulin, Satrio, mas Dani dan mas Akmal. Aku dan ibu semakin terbeliak. “Busyeeet!! Siapa mereka? Pacarmu?” tanpa sadar aku sudah memberondongnya dengan pertany...